Five Star Textile 2014 Collection at PFDC

seventh PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week 2014 characteristics Five Star Textile accumulation with components of calfskin and unmitigated surfaces blended with water degree going into shades with Fahad's signature clean, built forms, and hanging weaving.

High end configuration design retailers, architects, material producers and purchasers, displayed their most recent Lawn/Spring Collection has partaken and showcased their yearlong manifestations in the occasion.

Their mark gathering, Vogue, was situated in advanced prints embodying realistic florals, streaming forms and paisley themes. Heavenly included bubbly prints with a mix of color and examples. The Classic accumulation was Five Star's festival of their mark exemplary prints transitioning from customary to fantastic chic. Larose was Five Star's standard class with botanical prints and unpredictable outline subtle elements.


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